Tuesday, September 2, 2008

FanFiction Assessment 1 by Tim

The Magic Faraway Tree

By Enid Blyton
Adapted by Tim Clarkson

Retelling the story with a different character and a different adventure in the story.

Start of story

1. Cousin Tim comes to stay.

There was once a time a family of three children. They were Jo, Bessie and Fanny and they lived with their mother and father in a small house in the countryside. Their father went to work in the field each day, while their mother stayed at home to do the washing and cleaning, and to look after the children, who at times could be quite naughty and quarrelsome. One day mother received a letter. She didnt get many letter's and the children were quite inquisitive about who it was. "Your cousin Tim from NZ is coming to visit" she said. "Ooh" said the children. Tim was a few years older than Jo and a mischievious boy as was he, the children were pleased to have some company.

"Tidy up your room Jo", mother said. "And can you girls make a bed ready for your cousin please." "Golly" said Jo, "I wonder what Tim will think of the Enchanted Wood? I hope we can take him there" said the girls.
Cousin Tim arrived the next day. He jumped off his uncles 4 wheeler that Jo had ridden from the bus station in town and hugged everyone. "Hello Bessie!" "Hello Fanny!" "Nice to see you, Aunt Polly" he said. Fanny carried his bag inside and showed him to his room. "I can imagine nothing happens here" he said. "Life in the city is so busy."
The children took Tim to the window of Jo's room. "Do you see that forest over there" they said. "That's the enchanted forest. And in the middle of it is the Far Away Tree. All sort's of creature's live up the tree. And when you get to the top of the tree, there is a ladder that leads up through the hole in the cloud. Once you get through the cloud, you come to a different land."
"Golly" said Tim. "I wish we could go there. "We can go there when mother says we have finished our work" said Bessie. The children went to sleep in a state of excitement.

2. Up the Far Away Tree.
The next morning the sun came up and the children awoke. After eating breakfast at the table, the children made their beds and Bessie and Fanny organised the food they were going to take. The children set off for the Enchanted Wood with Jo carrying the backpack with the food and drink on his back. "Just wait til you meet our friends" said Jo to Tim. "There's Moon Face who has a face round like the moon, a fairy called Silky who is a kind little thing and Saucepan Man. He has all sorts of pots and kettles strung around him." "Moon Face has a slide called the slippery slip and he gives us cushion's so we can slide down the tree to the bottom."said Jo. "Ooh" said Tim
They entered the forest. It grew darker and the trees seemed to be talking to each other.Then they came to the Far Away Tree. "Wow!" "What a big tree" said Tim. "Let's climb it." The tree had a big base with branches of oak sprouting from its lower branches. Further up it had maple leaves and walnuts and plums hanging off its higher branches. The tree grows all sorts of different plants Bessie said. Its a peculiar tree.
The children climbed up the tree. Fanny said "Look out!" But it was too late. The Angry Pixie had seen Tim. He opened his kitchen window, and flung a heap of fruit scraps at him. "That'll teach you" the Angry Pixie said. "I don't want to see you again." The children climbed higher up. They soon came to the fairy Silky's door. Tim rang the bell and Silky opened the door. "Hello Jo" she said. "Hello Silky." said Jo. "This is our cousin Tim who has come to stay. He's having an adventurous time". "Welcome to the Far Away Tree" said Silky. "We are going to see Moon Face", said Jo. "Would you like to come? "Yes please" said Silky "and I'll bring some biscuits for everyone." So off they went climing through the branches. On ther way they went past Mr Watisname who was sleeping away on a deckchair. There was a noise coming down the tree. "Slish slosh, slish slosh" it went. "Can you hear that?" said Fanny "It''s Dame Washalot's water" said Silky. "Quick hide!" Tim wasn't quite as lucky as the others. The water splashed all over his clothes. "Never mind" said Bessie. "I'm sure Moon Face can lend you a towl." They soon came to Moonfaces house and Jo knocked on the door. Moon Face opened the door with a smile beaming on his face. "Hello there! We've brought our cousin Tim to meet you. "Hello Tim", said Moon Face. "I've got Saucepan Man here as well." They entered Moon Face's room. Moon Face's furniture was arranged caround the curve of the tree trunk and right in the middle was the slippery slip. Tim looked around the room. Sitting on the sofa was Moon Face's friend the Saucepan Man. It took several times before the Saucepan Man got Tim's name right and by then they were all in fits of laughter. "Let's have some Pop biscuit's" said Silky. So she got a plate from Moonfaces cupboard, put some Pop biscuit's on them and boiled the jug and got ready the cups of tea for everyone. Everyone sat down. Bessie handed round the Pop biscuit's. "Ooh how nice" said Tim as he put a Pop biscuit in his mouth. It went pop in his mouth and his mouth was full of delicious tasting flowing honey. "Moon Face, can you tell us what land is at the top of the tree now" asked Silky. "The land of nature" said Moon Face. "Oh how exciting" said the children. "It won't be here for long so if we want to go we should go now' said Moon Face. So after finishing their cups of tea, the 4 children, Silky, Moon Face and Saucepan Man got ready to go up to the new land.

3. The Land of Nature.
And so up they went, climbing up the ladder at the top of the tree and through the hole in the cloud, all seven of them went into the land of nature.
The land was the size of a large park. The sun shone brilliantly, sending its golden glow across the sky, with it's clear blue colour and cotton wool like clouds wisping across. The land was covered in hills and valleys, streams flowing into lakes, and rivers winding their way to the sea. There were orchards of apples, peaches and pears, with bee's humming along. This is delicious said cousin Tim as he plucked an apple from the tree and the others gathered around to see if they could pick one too. Further away there were forests healthily growing with birds cheerily chirping away, darting from tree to tree, their bright colours making a disply for all to see. Come on, lets explore said Jo to the others . So they wandered near the river and played in the sand on the beach.They saw fish jumping in the water and they dashed around the trees playing hide and seek.
All too soon, the weather seemed to change. Bird's stopped singing in the tree's. They sky got darker and a strange wind seemed to blow. "The land's moving on" said Bessie. "Hurry we have to go." So they rushed to the hole in the cloud and climbed down the ladder to the Far Away Tree. Soon they were all back in Moon Face's room. "Gosh it's nearly tea time and mother will be cross with us if we dont come home" said Jo. So they said goodbye to their friend's and went down the slippery slip, through the Enchanted Wood and back home for dinner.

The End.


Dr Paul Mountfort said...

This is really cool, Tim. I especially appreciate your well turned out dialogue, like so:

"There's Moon Face who has a face round like the moon, a fairy called Silky who is a kind little thing and Saucepan Man. He has all sorts of pots and kettles strung around him." "Moon Face has a slide called the slippery slip and he gives us cushion's so we can slide down the tree to the bottom."said Jo. "Ooh" said Tim"

It's been a long time since I read Enid Blyton but do remember these characters vaguely - perhaps you could help us by briefly summarising thecharacter and plot differences?

On the level of description, action and dialogue it's generally really strong, I feel. Some of the prose flirts with cliche and is what people sometimes called purple[d], like so:

'The sun shone brilliantly, sending its golden glow across the sky, with it's clear blue colour and cotton wool like clouds wisping across'

but that accords with Blyton's style too...

you're at 1300+ words out of around 2000 suggested word count so far. Maybe you could expand a little the scene in the land of nature, as so far it seems to me to need a little more action there... Look forward to it.

Edmond said...

Hey Tim,

I have just read your chapter one. You have a good introduction by giving the background information of the family. But I think you can introduce more on Tim. We only know he's come from the city but why does he want to come to the countryside? Maybe you'll talk about it in chapter 2 but I'm not there yet :p
You also give a good description to the enchanted tree. I'm looking forward to know where and what is the new world upon the sky.


Edmond said...

Hey Tim,

I have read your chapter 2. You had mentioned about Tim got wet from the water of Dame Washalot's water, and Bessie told Jim that he could get a change in Moon Face house. However, you only focused on the taste of biscuits. You should add that part back. Furthermore, I’m a bit confused with The Angry Pixie. Why did it just appear suddenly? Why did the pixie angry at those children? Did the creatures who live on the tree did not like human climbed up?

I appreciate on your description of the Moon Face. We know about her characterises and it helps us to get through the story later on.


Edmond said...

Hi Tim,

I have read your chapter 3 and a little bit disappointed of your ending. You only describe some features of the natural land. And it sounds like a national park. I suggest you can create some weird creatures that they cannot find on the earth. That will make the story more interesting. Furthermore, you can write about they have a short adventure before they go home.
